Some unusual but astounding ways to play with paint at home!

Painting a home is the quickest way to achieve a brilliant transformation! But aren’t you bored of the usual ways of painting your home? Why don’t get over those plainly painted walls and bordered trims? Painting a room can be really diverse and you can try dozens of ways to create a charming effect in your décor with these.

Ø  Unique but creative painting ideas to try in your home!

We know you are a bit hesitant to experiment with paints in your home. After all you spent lots of money getting the job done by good painters in Dunedin from Kowhai. They truly are amazing in their work and can really work wonders with their latest techniques and immense experience. But look at this side of the coin — you can’t achieve the incredible without trying the unique techniques of painting.

o   Highlight a specific feature — Have a bookshelf in your living room attached to the wall or a pretty art piece? Don’t let it be the only attractive factor on a plainly painted wall. Just call the painters in Wellington to highlight the space around or behind this feature and create a spectacular view in the room. You can stick to a single colour or make it a double shade or create patterns like stripes or checks — the results would be stunning.

o   Stripe patterns on the wall — Forget just a single shade on the accent wall. Instead, create a dramatic view by creating a striped design. Go for a contrast in the two colours for a better effect.

o   Dividing the open floor plan — If you have an open floor plan that has several rooms in here like the kitchen, living room, dining room, etc. Just use a different paint shade for each of these areas. Yes, we know it would seem weird to you, but when the colours follow the similar shade or complement each other perfectly, then the result would be simply awesome.

o   Make borders — We all know borders are highlighters. So, use a similar shade or simply pull out a darker/lighter shade here, create an outlined border and see how your accessories get more attention to add charm to your room. (You can utilise this pattern around your mirror, art décor, wall mount cupboards, etc.)

o   The shaded stairs — Painting stairs was never heard before. But what if you use multiple colours to paint it? Wouldn’t it look awesome yet unique in the house?

o   The floors painted — Yes, floors can look enchanting with stone, tiles, or wood. But if you want to add more glamour, try painting on the floor. A new and fresh coat of paint on it would certainly bring an added oomph quotient to the floor!

Yes, we agree that all the above listed ideas are unheard of. But don’t worry, the moment you try them in your house, you will be proud of your decision and they will certainly add a distinct magic to your home décor.

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